“Where we stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of soul. Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves. All healing journeys begin and end in the body. joy, stillness for compassion”.- Gabrielle Roth Maps To Ecstasy
Roots & Wings is an exploration of the foundations of the 5Rhythms practice as a Map to Ecstasy. It is through our deeply embodied practice following our physical expression through different qualities of emotion and experience that we can experience a true freedom from our mind. It is through grounding and following our feet that we can begin to let go into expanded states that we can integrate and sustain in our daily lives.
This daylong workshop is a deep dive into the practice of 5Rhythms that is welcoming to newcomers and also relevant to experienced dancers who are longing for a deeper practice.
REGISTER TODAY!"Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize
for truth." – Benjamin Disraeli
Expansive Heart
The heart: “…a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs andslightly to the left and consisting of four chambers..."-Dictionary.com
Your heart: some variation of the above. Heart: “… the innermost or central part of anything.” – Dictionary.com
Expansive heart: A strong and pliable muscle that can pulse with life to the fullest. -Tammy's interpretation
Heartfelt questions:
Are you curious about trusting instinct?
About the bold and messy truths of passion?
The vulnerable power of surrender?
The depths of delight?
Your expansive heart, strong and pliable and able to pulse with life to
your fullest?
Wholehearted suggestion:
Please join us for 5 days of moving with our 5 wise teachers - our fear, our anger, our sorrow, our joy, our capacity for compassion, inside and out, with love.
The all of you is welcome.